Table 2

Themes, divided into barriers and facilitators, in taking inhalers among users of an online asthma forum

Treatment capability and resources
Treatment capability and resources
  • Poor inhaler technique (reliever)

  • Forgetfulness to take medication (preventer)

  • Difficulty managing practicalities (eg, requesting and collecting repeat prescriptions) (preventer and reliever)

  • Lack of parents’ involvement (preventer and reliever)

  • Characteristics of inhalers and involvement of adolescent in choosing a device (eg, MDI vs turbohaler) (preventer and reliever)

  • Asthma treatment cost and prescription exemption certificate bureaucracy (preventer and reliever)

  • Parental or adolescents ‘self-structuring of daily routines to improve medication use’   (eg, inhaler taking chart) (preventer)

  • Directly observed treatment by parent (preventer)

  • Regular checks of inhaler taking technique (preventer and reliever)

  • Finding the most suitable inhaler type (preventer and reliever)

  • Peer-to-peer practical information and support from the online forum (preventer and reliever)

Treatment necessity and concerns
Treatment necessity and concerns
Necessity beliefs
  • Illness and treatment representation in adolescents (eg, understanding of asthma as episodic rather than chronic condition, concerns about the personal needs for regular inhalers) (preventer and reliever)

  • Suffering side effects of treatment (eg, weight gain, spots, hand tremor) (preventer)

  • Social representation of asthma and inhaler treatment (eg, embarrassment of taking inhaler because of asthma stigma; people’s reactions to inhaler taking, missing out on social life) (preventer and reliever)

  • Public ignorance of asthma and need of regular inhaler treatment (preventer and reliever)

Necessity beliefs
  • Learning a lesson from experiencing consequences of poor adherence to asthma treatment (eg, realising that it is better taking preventer inhalers than missing fun activities because of asthma, through parents’ advice, self-reflection or self-monitoring) (preventer)

  • Online resources to learn about asthma (preventer and reliever)

  • Self-management of side effects (eg, food diary to monitor weight gain) (preventer)

  • Advice/techniques to dealing with people’s reactions and inhaler taking stigma (preventer and reliever)

  • Feeling ambassadors for improving public knowledge of asthma and inhaled treatment (preventer and reliever)

  • Peer support effect of online forum (preventer and reliever)

  • De-stressing oneself/stress management strategies (preventer and reliever)

  • Positive thinking (eg, concentrating on what one can do) (preventer and reliever)

  • MDI, metered-dose inhaler.