Table 2

Data required and allocation method for the calculation of cost items

Cost itemsCost data required for valuation of
cost items (source of data)
Resource output data required for
cost item calculation (source of data)
Allocation method for calculation of
total cost of cost items
LabourDoctorSalary payout for doctors of different grades (human resource, finance) Time spent for different work activities
(head of cardiology department)
Apportioned working hours * salary payout of doctors
OthersSalary payout for staffs other than doctors
(human resource, finance)
Not applicableTotal salary of all staff
Capital Asset inventory, year and price of purchase (engineering, finance) Not applicableTotal equivalent annual cost (EAC) of all assets
Consumables GeneralTotal cost of general consumable supplied to: (based on the availability of any of the below)
  1. CW/CL

  2. Cardiology department

  3. All inpatient departments

(procurement section of pharmacy department)
Workload ratio in terms of inpatient bed days at:
(based on the best cost data available)
  1. CW/CL

  2. Cardiology department

  3. All inpatient departments

(patient record office, CW census, CL procedure log)
Allocation of total cost to CW or CL to corresponding workload ratio
For example, for centre I, allocated CW general consumable cost = total inpatient consumable cost * ratio of CW bed days to total inpatient bed days
 PCI specificTotal cost of catheters, stents, balloons and wires (cardiology department purchase ledger) Total number of PCI procedures
(CL procedure logs)
Average cost per procedure
Medication Total cost of general medication supplied to: (based on the availability of any of the below)
  1. CW/CL

  2. Cardiology department

  3. All inpatient departments

(procurement section of pharmacy department)
Workload ratio in terms of inpatient bed days at:
(based on the best cost data available)
  1. CW/CL

  2. Cardiology department

  3. All inpatient departments

(patient record office, CW census, CL procedure logs)
For centres III, IV and V, actual cost of general and cardiac-specific medication supplied to CW was available.
No further allocation needed.
Allocation of total cost to workload ratio for centres I and II.
Utility Monthly utility bill (finance) Space area of hospital indoor area, CW and CL (engineering) Allocation of total utility bill to space ratio of CW or CL over total indoor area.
Annual contract cost
Space area of hospital indoor area, CW and CL (engineering) Allocation of total contract cost to space ratio of CW or CL over total indoor area.
Dietary Total dietary cost
CW and hospital inpatient bed days
(patient record office, CW census)
Allocation of total cost to workload ratio of CW bed days over hospital inpatient bed days
Ancillary Labour cost for all personnel, consumables cost to all four departments, allocated hospital support and utility costs based on space ratio
(finance, human resource, pharmacy, engineering)
CW bed days
Hospital inpatient bed days
(patient record office, CW census)
Assumption of 60:40 ratio of utilisation by inpatient versus outpatient departments.
Allocation of total inpatient ancillary services cost to workload ratio of CW bed days over hospital inpatient bed days.
  • CL, catheterisation laboratory; CW, cardiac ward.