Table 1

CIs, RSE and probability to observe at least one AEI according to expected probabilities of occurrence of AEI

population medically followed by the enrolled practices
Vaccine coverage (%)Vaccinated subjectsSubjects with eventsExpected proportion of subjects with ≥1 AEI reported (%)Lower
95% CL (%)
95% CL (%)
Probability to observe
≥1 AEIs in the study population (%)
Associated RSE (%)
50 0002010 0002 00020.0019.220.8100.002.0
50 0002010 000150015.0014.315.7100.002.4
50 0002010 0001 00010.009.410.6100.003.0
50 0002010 0005005.004.65.4100.004.4
50 0002010 0004004.003.64.4100.004.9
50 0002010 0002002.001.72.3100.007.0
50 0002010 0001001.000.81.2100.009.9
50 0002010 000100.
50 0002010 00090.
50 0002010 00080.
50 0002010 00070.
50 0002010 00060.
50 0002010 00050.
50 0002010 00040.
50 0002010 00030.
50 000210 00020.
50 0002010 00010.
50 000105 0002505.004.45.6100.006.2
50 000105 0002004.003.54.6100.006.9
50 000105 0001002.001.62.4100.009.9
50 000105 000501.000.71.3100.0014.1
50 000105 00050.
50 000105 0004.
50 000105 00040.
50 000105 0003.
50 000105 00030.
50 000105 0002.
50 000105 00020.
50 000105 0001.
50 000105 00010.
50 000105 0000.
50 00052 5001255.004.25.9100.008.7
50 00052 5001004.003.34.8100.009.8
50 00052 500502.001.52.6100.0014.0
50 00052 500251.000.61.5100.0019.9
50 00052 50012.50.500.30.9100.0028.2
50 00052 5002.
50 00052 5002.
50 00052 50020.080.00.359.4170.7
50 00052 5001.750.070.00.352.2275.6
50 00052 5001.
50 00052 5001.
50 00052 50010.
50 00052 5000.750.
50 00052 5000.
50 00052 5000.
  • AEI, adverse event of interest; RSE, relative SE.