Table 2

Document search strategy

Concepts Keywords (and French equivalences) Databases and search engines
Concept A1 IndigenousNative* OR Indigenous OR ‘First Nation*’ OR Metis OR Inuk OR Inuit OR Eskimo* OR ‘American Indian*’ OR Aboriginal* OR Amerindian*Autochtonia, First Nations Periodical Index, Bibliography of Native North Americans, Canadian Research Index, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Medline, CINAHL, Ageline, Sociology database, PsycINFO, Scopus,
Academic Search
Complete, Repère§, Santecom§, Proquest Research Library, Google/Google Scholar
Concept A2
Elder* OR Aged [MeSH] OR Senior* OR ‘Old*Adult*’ OR ‘Old age’ OR ‘Old* person*’ OR ‘Old* people’ OR ‘Wise one*’ OR Grandmother* OR Grandfather* OR Grandparent* OR ‘Traditional healer*’ OR Leader*
Concept B WellnessResilient OR Resilienc* OR ‘Capacity building’ OR Strength* OR Wellbeing OR ‘Well-being’ OR Wellness OR ‘Self efficacy’ OR ‘Self esteem’ OR ‘Living conditions’ OR Health OR Hardiness [MeSH] OR ‘Indigenous health’ [MeSH] OR ‘Psychological wellbeing’ [MeSH] OR Happiness OR ‘Self concept’ [MeSH] OR ‘Sense of coherence’ OR ‘Socio economic factors’ [MeSH] OR ‘Social condition*’ OR ‘World health’ [MeSH] OR ‘Global health’ OR ‘Health education’ OR ‘Health promotion’
Concept C
Social participation
Intergeneration* OR Generation* OR
‘Social participation’ OR ‘Community participation’ OR ‘Social involvement’ OR ‘Social engagement’ OR ‘Community involvement’ OR ‘Community engagement’ OR ‘Civic participation’ OR ‘Consumer participation’ [MeSH] OR ‘Community-based participatory research’
  • MeSH, Medical Subject Headings.