Table 1

Descriptive statistics of the 66 097 women and men, aged 18–59 years on 31 December 2005 with at least one new sick-leave spell due to a common mental disorder (CMD) in 2006 in Sweden and the share with disability pension between 2007 and 2010

NPer centNPer cent
Study population, all66 09710046107.0
Country of birth*
 Sweden57 01186.336966.5
 Western countries35205.33028.6
 Non-Western countries55668.461211.0
 Male20 37330.815407.6
 Female45 72469.230706.7
Age in 2005
 25–3417 02925.87314.3
 35–4421 22832.111515.4
 45–5416 51625.013638.3
 55–596 90410.4107015.5
Type of living area†
 Big cities25 45038.516106.3
 Medium-sized cities23 18635.115856.8
 Small cities/villages17 46126.414158.1
Family composition
 Married/cohabiting with children at home26 97640.814345.3
 Married/cohabiting without children at home679210.369010.2
 Single‡ with children at home957914.56286.6
 Single‡ without children at home22 75034.418588.2
Unemployment in 2005
 No days54 63782.732766.0
 1–90 days54358.25009.2
 >90 days60259.183413.8
Sick leave in 2005
 No days48 74973.827695.7
 1–90 days13 94421.113099.4
 >90 days34045.253215.6
Sick leave diagnosis in 2006
 Depressive24 41936.922969.4
 Stress-related33 85151.215084.5
  • *Country of birth categorised according to: (1) Sweden, (2) Western countries include the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway), EU25 (all countries included in the European Union in 2006 without Sweden), North America and Oceania, (3) non-Western countries comprise all remaining countries.

  • †Type of living area: big cities, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo; medium-sized cities, cities with >90 000 inhabitants within 30 km distance from the centre of the city; small cities/villages, all remaining cities/villages.

  • ‡Single means living without partner and also includes divorced, separated or widowed.