Table 1

Data sources

National Audit of Intermediate CareBritish Geriatrics Society; the Association of Directors of Adult social Services; AGILE (chartered physiotherapists working with older people); the Royal College of Physicians; the Royal College of Nursing; the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists; the Patients Association; and NHSBNCommissioners (62) and providers (112) in round 1, round 2 has higher participation (92 commissioners, provider numbers need validation); 370 Intermediate care services, both home-based and bed-based; information on demography (age, gender, preadmission accommodation, place of referral), level of required care, clinical outcomes, service outcomes, PREMDirectly from services
Community Hospitals NHSBN data setsNHSBNOpt-in scheme for NHSBN members; around 180 community hospitals; 2 years of data; information on workforce, activity, investment levels, organisational features, services provided and quality measuresSurvey of community hospitals by NHSBN
HESHSCICPatient-level data of hospital admissions; collected in episodes of care; range of episode-specific and patient-specific information availableRecorded at all secondary care providers
  • HES, Hospital Episode Statistics; HSCIC, Health and Social Care Information Centre; NHS, National Health Service; NHSBN, NHS Benchmarking Network; PREM, patient-reported experience measure.