Table 4

Development of category ≥2 PU by pain and skin assessments on a skin site level basis

VariableDevelops new PU (N=223)Does not develop new PU (N=7260)Total (N=7483*)
 Pain yes111 (10.3%)966 (89.7%)1077 (14.4%)
 Pain no112 (1.7%)6294 (98.3%)6406 (85.6%)
Skin status
 Healthy skin68 (1.1%)6014 (98.9%)6082 (81.3%)
 Alterations to intact skin54 (6.4%)792 (93.6%)846 (11.3%)
 Category 1101 (18.2%)454 (81.8%)555 (7.4%)
  • *Note that 172 skin sites with an existing Category ≥2 PU, 183 skin sites with no baseline assessment (eg, amputation or bandage in situ) and 25 with no follow-up assessment were excluded leaving a total of 7483 skin sites for analysis.

  • PU, pressure ulcer.