Table 3

Data collection: content of CRF

PartData content
Patient dataPatient ID
Date of birth*
Weight on the first day of hospitalisation*
Community pharmacist*†
Reason for hospitalisation*
Reason for exclusion
Day of hospitalisation*
Hospital discharge date*
Any surgery (coded with Verrichtingen code)12 or diagnosis during hospitalisation*
Study outcomesBleeding (major bleeding and non-major bleeding) event(s) during hospitalisation*
Bleeding (major bleeding and non-major bleeding) event(s) within 3 months after hospitalisation‡
Severity of bleeding complication
Location of bleeding complication
Thrombotic event(s) during hospitalisation*
Thrombotic event(s) within 3 months after hospitalisation‡
Severity of thrombotic complication*
Location of thrombotic complication
Date of each readmission in the following 3 months after the first hospitalisation*‡
The reason for readmission‡
Quality of life (3 months after discharge):†
  • ▸ Age 0–3: no EQ-5D-Y available

  • ▸ Age 4–7: EQ-5D-Yproxy V.1

  • ▸ Age 8–11: EQ-5D-Y or EQ-5D-Y proxy

  • ▸ V.1

  • ▸ Age 12–15: EQ-5D-Y or EQ-5D

  • ▸ Age 16 and older: EQ-5D

Adherence by the patient to the therapy; MARS5 (3 months after discharge)†
Patient satisfaction of the antithrombotic therapy; VAS satisfaction scale (3 months after discharge)†
Adherence to the hospital protocol
Percentage of TTR of vitamin K antagonists during hospitalisation and as an outpatient during 3 months’ follow-up*
All-cause mortality*§
Healthcare costs*
Clinical chemistry dataLaboratory values and the date of determination*§
  • ▸ INR

  • ▸ APTT

  • ▸ PT

  • ▸ dTT

  • ▸ Hb

  • ▸ Anti-Xa

  • ▸ Creatinine

  • ▸ HT

  • ▸ Erythrocytes

  • ▸ Thrombocytes

  • ▸ eGFR

  • ▸ Weight

(Available clinical chemistry data are collected from 3 months before inclusion until 3 months after hospitalisation)
Medication dataMedication use during hospitalisation (coded with ATC code)13 *
Use of antidotes: tranexamic acid, phytomenadione, fibrinogen, prothrombin complex concentrate, activated prothrombin complex concentrate, eptacog alfa (activated) and protamine (coded with ATC code)13 *
Use of blood products: blood transfusion and other blood products*
Overview of medication use 3 months before hospitalisation (coded with ATC code)13§
Overview of medication use 3 months after hospitalisation (coded with ATC code)13§
  • *Obtained from the medical record of the hospital information system.

  • †Obtained from the patient by using a questionnaire.

  • ‡Obtained by sending a small questionnaire asking for visits to the general practitioner or hospital because of a bleeding or thrombotic event within 3 months after hospitalisation.

  • §Obtained from the community pharmacist and the thrombosis service.

  • Anti-Xa, antifactor Xa; APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; CRF, case report form; dTT, diluted thrombin time; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; Hb, haemoglobin; HT, haematocrit; INR, international normalised ratio; MARS, Medication Adherence Rating Scale; PT, prothrombin time; TTR, time in therapeutic range; VAS, visual analogue scale.