Table 2

Demographic characteristics of participants (n=23)

Age (years) mean (SD) [minimum—maximum]20.8 (2.4) [17–24]
Gender (women)20 (87.0)
English as a first language22 (95.7)
Highest current level of education completed
 University8 (34.8)
 TAFE*4 (17.4)
 Year 12 (tertiary entrance)*8 (34.8)
 Year 12 (other)3 (13.0)
 Less than 3 year secondary0
Currently at
 School3 (13.0)
 University or TAFE14 (60.9)
 Unemployed1 (4.4)
 Employed (volunteer or paid work)5 (21.7)
  • *n=2 participants indicated being at TAFE and undertaking tertiary examinations for year 12.

  • TAFE, technical and further education institutions.