Table 3

Initial three-factor loading from 30-item Composite Abuse Scale

Factors and loadings
Told me I that I was crazy0.955−0.074−0.068
Told me that I was stupid0.9140.051−0.099
Told me that I wasn't good enough0.914−0.038−0.054
Told me that no one would ever want me0.8260.098−0.030
Harassed me over the phone0.823−0.0140.048
Tried to convince my friends, family or children that I was crazy0.809−0.0240.093
Blamed me for causing their violent behaviour0.7890.132−0.031
Did not want me to socialise with my female friends0.789−0.0260.089
Tried to turn my family, friends and children against me0.779−0.0150.110
Tried to keep me from seeing or talking to my family0.7020.0680.105
Became upset if dinner/housework wasn't done when they thought it should be0.649−0.0050.088
Told me that I was ugly0.6310.219−0.014
Followed me0.6090.1060.116
Harassed me at work0.5460.0420.154
Hung around outside my house0.4950.219−0.014
Kicked me, bit me or hit me with a fist−0.0460.9280.021
Beat me up−0.0490.920−0.011
Threw me0.1400.830−0.070
Slapped me0.1070.824−0.035
Hit or tried to hit me with something0.1890.746−0.016
Shook me0.1760.722−0.034
Used a knife or gun or other weapon−0.1570.6710.196
Pushed, grabbed or shoved me0.3270.628−0.029
Locked me in the bedroom0.0860.4590.246
Took my wallet and left me stranded0.2760.4160.161
Forced me to have sex0.0140.0580.851
Tried to force me to have sex0.1480.0240.824
Made me perform sex acts that I did not enjoy or like0.077−0.0120.779
Refused to let me work outside the home0.2270.2380.275
Kept me from medical care0.2430.2580.239
  • Bold text denotes factors loadings that are above 0.40.