Table 4

Factor analysis (followed by Varimax rotation) of the cancer fatigue scale (N=148)

1. Do you become tired easily?0.9130.1700.036
2. Do you have the urge to lie down?0.7770.3030.303
3. Do you feel exhausted?0.8730.1450.230
4. Do you feel you have become careless?0.4950.0630.604
5. Do you feel energetic?0.4260.8030.101
6. Does your body feel heavy and tired?0.6180.1980.420
7. Do you feel that you more often make errors while speaking?0.0660.0710.817
8. Do you feel interest in anything?0.1010.9190.045
9. Do you feel fed-up?0.4120.1010.672
10. Do you feel you have become forgetful?0.367−0.3030.652
11. Can you concentrate on certain things?0.1130.8610.057
12. Do you feel reluctant?0.8250.1180.180
13. Do you feel that your thinking has become slower?0.1110.1840.822
14. Can you encourage yourself to do anything?0.2220.8900.066
15. Do you feel such fatigue that you don't know what to do with yourself?0.7300.2720.366
% Variance explained46.74517.9869.568
Eigenvalue after rotation4.6153.4363.094
% Variance explained after rotation30.76422.90820.627
  • *Eigenvalue: it is the variance in all the variables, which is accounted for by that factor. A factor's eigenvalue may be computed as the sum of its squared factor loadings for all the variables.62