Table 2

Participant's demographic factors, educational history and mental health via anxiety with regard to questions about radiation after the FDNPS accident

VariableUnitAnxiety (−) (n=269) (%)Anxiety (+) (n=161) (%)p Values
GenderWomen/men262 (97.4)/7(2.6)154 (95.7)/7(4.3)0.32
Age<40 years old/≥40 years old77 (28.6)/192(71.4)87 (54.0)/74(46.0)<0.001
Working experience as a public health nurse<10 years/≥10 years53 (19.7)/216(80.3)71 (44.1)/90(55.9)<0.001
Activity areaHamadori/other area54 (20.1)/215(79.9)29 (18.0)/132(72.0)0.62
Position in the workplaceManager/staff88 (32.7)/181(67.3)31 (19.3)/130(80.7)0.003
Occupation at the time of the accidentPHNs/others (nurses, students)230 (85.5)/39(14.5)100 (62.1)/61(37.9)<0.001
Did you have children aged ≤15 years at the time of the accident?Yes110 (40.9)59 (36.6)0.42
Education history in curriculumYes114 (42.4)80 (49.7)0.16
Education history in seminar before the accidentYes25 (9.3)12 (7.5)0.60
Education history in seminar after the accidentYes247 (91.8)140 (87.0)0.13
Frequency of participation in seminarsOnce/plural47(19.0)/200(81.0)42 (29.6)/98(70.4)0.02
SOC-13 total pointsMean44.041.40.47
  • FDNPS, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station; PHN, public health nurses; SOC-13, Sense of Coherence-13.