Table 2

Base case analysis of cost-effectiveness of a monitoring review performed by optometrists versus cost of a monitoring review performed by ophthalmologists

Costs and effectsOptometrists
Mean (SD) (observations, n=2016)
Mean (SD) (observations, n=2016)
Cost of a monitoring review (pathway cost)£410.78 (424.92)£397.33 (387.46)
Percentage of correct assessments84.4% (36.3%)85.4% (35.3%)
Incremental cost (95% CI)£13.45 (−£17.96 to £44.85)
Incremental benefit, percentage of correct assessments (95% CI)−1.0% (−4.5% to 2.5%)
Incremental cost per correct assessment*Optometrist-led care is dominated
  • *The 95% CI around the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio could not be defined.