Table 2

Comparison of candidates' and supervisors' perception of statistical support received/given.

Statistical supportCandidates (N=206)Supervisors (N=672)p Value
Never102 (49.5)15 (2.2)<0.001*
Before practical work24 (11.7)45 (6.7)0.019
During practical work26 (12.6)238 (35.2)<0.001*
After practical work32 (15.5)69 (10.2)0.036
Before and during2 (1.0)37 (5.5)0.006*
Before and after2 (1.0)27 (4.0)0.033
During and after11 (5.3)105 (15.5)<0.001*
Before, during and after7 (3.4)136 (20.1)<0.001*
  • Overall χ²-independence test: p<0.001, pairwise test results are listed in the last column (significant results at a Bonferroni-corrected 95% level of p<0.00625 are marked with *). Almost 50% of doctoral candidates state a lack of statistical support, 13 although approximately 97% of supervisors state to have provided statistical help.

  • Values are numbers (percentages).