Table 1

Summary of inclusion/exclusion criteria

CriterionInclusion criteriaExclusion criteria
ParticipantsHealthy term infants under 12 months who meet the Rome III criteria for
  • Constipation

  • Infantile colic

  • Regurgitation

Studies which include infants with symptoms, including hard stools or straining, vomiting, problematic feeding (eg, spitting) or inconsolable or persistent crying, will be eligible for inclusion, provided that these symptoms are linked to at least a suspicion of FGID in all cases
Infants without FGID.
Infants with vomiting, problematic feeding, inconsolable or persistent crying and where no statement on the believed underlying gastrointestinal cause is made or where the symptoms could be the result of a non-FGID cause
Preterm infants only or studies where preterm infants form >50% of the participants
InterventionsAny intervention (or no intervention for burden on parents or carers)
ComparatorsNo comparator is necessary
OutcomesReported treatments of FGIDs and related signs and symptoms (regardless of effectiveness) and the frequency and volume of use Costs to patients and third-party payers of
  • Prescribed treatments

  • Over the counter or home remedies

  • Visits to orthodox and complementary health professionals and other providers of care

Loss of income for parents/carers from infant FGIDs and related signs and symptoms through:
  • Inability to return to work

  • Time taken off work

  • Out of pocket costs

Study types
  • RCTs

  • Non-randomised controlled trials

  • Cost of illness studies

  • Economic evaluations

  • Observational studies

Non-systematic reviews
Conference abstracts
News stories
Case reports
LimitsStudies published from 2005 onwards
Studies in English
Full publications
Studies published before 2005
Studies in languages other than English