Table 2

User-friendliness and usability of POCT urine analyser Urisys 1100

1. Ease of performance:Easy/moderate/difficult (%)
  Use of analyser79/21/0
  Reading test result84/16/0
2. Liability of flaws in procedure:Small/moderate/large (%)
  Set-up for analysis84/16/0
  Performing analysis84/16/0
  Reading test result95/11/0
The POCT urine analyser improves my work …Totally agree/agree/neutral/disagree/totally disagree (%)
I believe that the POCT urine analyser is …
  Useful for my work11/37/32/11/5
More accurate than the current urine strip evaluation11/26/26/32/0
  • POCT, point-of-care testing.