Table 2

Feasibility study results: ACASI completion and cognitive status of PHACS AMP participants

ACASI completion statusN (%)Full scale IQ score, mean (SD)*p Value†
No ACASI completed due to cognitive limitations16 (2.6)45.5 (8.4)‡<0.001
≥ one ACASI completed592 (97.4)86.1 (15.3)‡
  • *Full scale IQ score from Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition (WISC-IV).

  • †From t-test.

  • ‡Due to missing WISC-IV, N for those without ACASI=12, N for ACASI completed=576.

  • ACASI, audio computer-assisted self-interview; AMP, Adolescent Master Protocol; PHACS, Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study.