Table 4

PMOS scores

Subscales (5-point Likert scale)Stroke M (SD)AMI M (SD)Hip M (SD)Total
Communication and team work4.53 (0.61)*4.50 (0.71)4.13 (0.90)4.40 (0.76)
Organisation and care planning4.45 (0.65)4.50 (0.94)4.17 (0.86)4.38 (0.81)
Access to resources4.38 (0.80)4.34 (0.87)3.74 (1.23)4.21 (0.97)
Ward type and layout4.40 (0.83)4.25 (0.88)4.20 (1.12)4.31 (0.93)
Information flow4.50 (0.59)4.38 (0.81)4.29 (0.61)*4.41 (0.66)
Roles and responsibilities3.96 (1.13)†4.13 (1.18)†3.68 (1.36)3.92 (1.22)
Staff training4.46 (0.66)4.69 (0.60)*4.18 (0.53)4.44 (0.63)*
Equipment (design and function)4.43 (0.88)4.47 (0.83)4.00 (0.94)4.31 (0.84)
Delays4.30 (0.88)4.20 (0.94)3.11 (1.13)†3.89 (1.11)†
PMOS negative index‡1.67 (1.56)2.13 (2.23)4.22 (3.70)†2.59 (2.72)
  • *Ward-based subscale most favourable scores from patients.

  • Ward-based subscale with least favourable scores from patients.

  • ‡Represents the mean number of items that each patient scored negatively (ie, ≤2).6

  • AMI, acute myocardial infarction; M, median; PMOS, patient measure of safety.