Table 2

Risk factors for overweight among adolescent students in Nepal

Overweight (n=44)No overweight (n=316)
CharacteristicNo (%)No (%)Unadjusted OR (95% CI)p ValueAdjusted OR (95% CI)p Value
 16–17 years35 (13.1)233 (86.9)1.38 (0.64 to 3.00)0.4091.05 (0.37 to 2.94)0.927
 18–19 years9 (9.8)83 (90.2)11
 Male27 (15.9)143 (84.1)1.92 (1.00 to 3.67)0.048*2.64 (1.18 to 4.88)0.018*
 Female17 (8.9)173 (91.1)11
 Advantaged32 (13.6)203 (86.4)1.48 (0.74 to 3.00)0.2711.38 (0.57 to 3.31)0.476
 Relatively disadvantaged12 (9.6)113 (90.4)11
School type
 Private29 (16.1)151 (83.9)2.11 (1.09 to 4.09)0.027*2.10 (1.03 to 4.28)0.042*
 Government15 (8.3)165 (91.7)11
Mother's educational level
 Formal education32 (14.2)194 (85.8)1.67 (0.30 to 1.20)0.1480.85 (0.32 to 2.22)0.732
 No formal education12 (9.0)122 (91.0)11
Mother's occupation
 Working outside home also/employed/non-housewife27 (14.6)158 (85.4)1.59 (0.83 to 3.03)0.6731.18 (0.54 to 2.60)0.673
 Unemployed/housewife17 (9.7)158 (90.3)11
Family type
 Nuclear34 (13.9)210 (86.1)1.72 (0.82 to 3.61)0.1541.41 (0.59 to 3.39)0.445
 Extended/joint10 (8.6)106 (91.4)11
No of siblings
 Up to 239 (14.8)225 (85.2)3.15 (1.20 to 8.26)0.019*1.85 (0.61 to 5.61)0.097
 More than 25 (5.2)91 (94.8)11
Socioeconomic status
 High (rich)28 (23.3)92 (76.7)4.26 (1.85 to 9.80)<0.001*4.77 (1.36 to 16.72)0.018*
 Middle8 (6.7)112 (93.3)1.00 (0.36 to 2.76)1.000.93 (0.27 to 3.18)0.912
 Low (poor)8 (6.7)112 (93.3)11
Watching TV
 >2 h/day26 (32.9)53 (67.1)7.17 (3.67 to 14.00)<0.001*8.86 (3.90 to 20.11)<0.001*
 ≤2 h/day18 (6.4)263 (93.6)11
Fruit consumption
 ≤4 times/week31 (16.8)153 (83.2)2.54 (1.28 to 5.04)0.008*3.13 (1.39 to 7.01)0.006*
 >4 times/week13 (7.4)163 (92.6)11
  • Adjusted for age, sex, ethnicity, type of school, mother's educational level, mother's occupation, family type, number of siblings, socioeconomic status, watching TV and fruit consumption.

  • *p<0.05.