Table 3

Studies related to epidemiology of road traffic injuries in Nepal

ReferenceDesignSettingSample sizeData collectionAspects studiedMain findings
16Case seriesHospital based217Medical recordsPattern of injuries; characteristics of injured personsMajority of injuries in motor cyclists followed by pedestrians injured persons were mainly males in the age group 16–30 years; most commonly affected parts were the head and face followed by lower limbs.
17Case seriesHospital based757Medical recordsPattern of injuries; characteristics of injured personsPedestrians followed by motorcyclists commonly injured; lower limbs were mostly affected; mostly in the age group 21–40 years.
18Case seriesHospital based615Medical recordsPattern of injuries; timing of accidents; characteristics of injured personsMost injured were pedestrians in the age group 15–45 years, with lower extremities affected.
19Prospective case seriesHospital based870Proforma-based interviews; medical recordsPattern of injuries; characteristics of injured persons; safety measuresMost affected were males in the age group 20–29 years, and they were pedestrians or passengers in the vehicles; 16.9% drivers consumed alcohol; seat belt not worn by car, jeep and van drivers.
20Case seriesHospital based75Medico-legal autopsy; interviewPattern of injuriesFracture was the most common injury followed by laceration.
15Cross-sectionalCommunity based365 deaths; 1751 injured personsPolice record and interviewsCharacteristics and causes of bus accidentsBus-only accidents were the most common followed by bus pedestrian and bus vehicle collisions; 75% of bus fatalities and injuries occurred during daylight hours; probable causes include drivers' habits, vehicle condition and road condition.
21Case seriesHospital based360Proforma-based interviewsCharacteristics of injured persons; causes of accidentsMost commonly affected were passengers and pedestrians in the age group 15–30 years; personal problems, alcohol consumption and old vehicles were identified.
23Cross-sectionalSchool based1557Self-administered questionnaireCauses of pedestrian injuryRoad behaviours such as ‘looking both ways along the road before crossing’ or playing on the road or sidewalks are not significantly associated with pedestrian injury except for compliance with green signals.
22Cross-sectionalSchool based1557Self-administered questionnaireTypes of vehicles; Activities of pedestrianInjuries caused by motorcycles while crossing the road and walking in urban areas and in semi-urban areas.
13Case seriesHospital based4383 autopsiesMedicolegal autopsy recordCharacteristics of injured personsAbout 18% of fatalities due to road traffic accidents; most common were pedestrians followed by occupants of public transport.
24Case seriesHospital based80Medicolegal autopsy recordCharacteristics of injured persons; intoxication status82% of fatalities due to road traffic accidents commonly involving pedestrians and motorcyclists; 34.8% were intoxicated among fatalities from road traffic deaths.