Table 2

Risk prediction strategies and characteristics of data reporting for the study on top indicators in the five ACT regions

BasqueCataloniaGroningenLombardyScotlandBarriers for comparison
Scope of the stratification strategyEntire population (population health)Population (population health)Programme (population medicine)Programme (population medicine)3.4 million people (toward population health)Heterogeneous predictive modelling tools
Current predictive modelling toolACG-PMCRGNot availableCReG, evolving toward a risk predictive modelling toolSPARRA v3 (owned by the region)Different statistics describing predictive power, different levels of flexibility
Risk categories (%)*
 High1. criteria for risk categories leading to non-comparable population distributions
Characteristics of reporting on top indicatorsRegional and microsystemsRegional and four areasThree programmesGReG cohortsSubregionHeterogeneity of reporting allowed conceptual consensus but not comparability of results
  • *Estimations of risk-strata distribution corresponds to 2012.

  • ACG-PM, Adjusted Clinical Groups-Predictive Model; ACT, Advancing Care Coordination and Telehealth Deployment; CReG, Chronic-Related Group; SPARRA V3, Scottish Patients at Risk of Readmission and Admission V.3.