Table 4

Annual amount of NHS resource use attributable to managing 2.2 million patients with a wound and 2.2 million matched controls

Annual numberp Value
GP visits10 816 6553 124 1207 692 535<0.001
Practice nurse visits19 744 6181 184 32218 560 296<0.001
Community nurse visits10 932 19975 54810 856 651<0.001
Specialist nurse visits51 106444446 662<0.001
Allied healthcare visits537 72277 770459 952<0.001
Hospital outpatient visits4 277 334828 8033 448 531<0.001
Hospital admissions and day cases1 142 104173 315968 788<0.001
Ambulance services11 11022228888ns
Accident and emergency attendances11 11011 110ns
Diagnostic tests60 284 85524 068 61336 216 242<0.001
Devices320 938 91648 206 108272 732 808<0.001
Wound care products354 954 2750354 954 275<0.001
Prescriptions for individual drugs135 859 23438 769 31097 089 924<0.001
  • GP, general practitioner; NHS, National Health Service.