Table 2

Top seven factors generated per group

 Well-being of the resident1
 Continuity of nursing staff2
 Feeling of wellness due to medication3
 Burden of medication administration4
 Residents have the right to question their GP4
 Voice of the resident is not heard6
 Respect the GP and do as I am told6
 Evidence for deprescribing1
 Communication with resident/family2
 GP funding3
 Health system structure3
 Adequacy of medical and medication history5
 Fear of deterioration5
 Residents willingness to deprescribe7
 GP receptivity1
 Nurses ability to advocate for residents2
 Regular review of medical conditions3
 Understanding of medications by nurse, family and resident4
 Nurses understanding of the residents medical conditions5
 Family—support, beliefs and conflicts6
 Communication between nurses6
 Health literacy of resident and family6
 Clinical appropriateness of prescribed therapy1
 Resident's goals of care2
 Opportunity and funding for pharmacist follow-up monitoring3
 Resident's frailty status and other medical conditions4
 Presence of ADEs4
 Attitudes of prescribers6
 Burden of medication administration7
 Resident's goals of care1
 Well-being of the resident2
 Health system structure3
 Clinical appropriateness of prescribed therapy4
 Evidence for deprescribing5
 Resident's frailty status and other medical conditions5
 Regular review of medical conditions7
 Adequacy of medical and medication history1
 Health system structure2
 Evidence for deprescribing3
 Communication with resident/family4
 GP receptivity5
 Continuity of nursing staff6
 Resident's goals of care6
 Understanding of medications by nurse, family and resident6
  • Some factors received equal scores and are therefore ranked the same importance.

  • ADEs, adverse drug events; GP, general medical practitioner.