Table 3

Key characteristics of studies in vascular surgery (n=4)

First author nameYearCountryPrimary or secondary aimSample (N=number of patients in analysis/eligible patients, Nt(i)=sample size per time point, Nc=patients with complications, N1=cases vs N2=controls)Patient inclusion criteriaStudy designType of surgerySurgical complications/method of recordingPsychosocial outcome and time pointsSignificant association of complications with well-being (Yes/No/Confounding)Types of complications and time-points of significant effectsQuality assessment score (out of 8)
Consecutive patients who received a replacement of the dilated ascending aortaObservational, cross-sectionalAscending aorta replacementRetrospective list: postoperative bleeding, myocardial infarction, stroke, pneumonia, respiratory insufficiency, acute renal dysfunction, sepsis, lung fistula/method not specifiedQoL/36.4±15.5 months postoperative (11–58 months)/SF-36NONA4
Nguyena2007USA and CanadaPrimaryNt1=1296/1404
Patients who underwent lower extremity vein bypass for CLI in community and university hospitals across the US and CanadaObservational, cohort, prospectiveLower extremity vein bypass for limb salvage in CLI patientsWound complications (WC): patients having infection, necrosis, hematoma-haemorrhage, or seroma-lymphocele at the surgical incision or harvest site within 30 days of the bypass surgery/Adverse events clinical trial documentation with reference to source documentation (hospital notes etc.)QoL/baseline, 3 and 12 months postoperative/VascuQolConfounding*Wound complications/3 months postsurgery8
Nguyenb2006USA and CanadaSecondaryN1=1296/1404 (92.3%)
N2=862 (61.4%)
N3=732 (52.1%)
Patients who underwent IB for CLI in community and university hospitals across the USA and CanadaObservational, cohort, prospectiveInfrainguinal vein grafting for limb salvage in patients with CLIGREs: development of a >70% graft stenosis or having undergone a percutaneous or surgical revision or a major amputation/clinical tests (angiography, ultrasonography, etc), source documentation (hospital notes, discharge notes, operative and procedural notes, etc)QoL/preoperative, 3 and 12 months postoperative/VascuQolYes*GREs/12 months postsurgery8
Nc(sensory abnormalities)=25
Nc(bruising at t1)=58
Nc(bruising at t2)=16
Patients with varicose veins, either symptomatic or with skin changes, resulting from incompetence of the lesser saphenous vein system (LSV) as confirmed by handheld Doppler examination or duplex ultrasonography or both and requiring surgical intervention (both day cases and inpatients)Observational, cohort, prospectiveConventional LSV stripping
  • Bruising/tracing method

  • Sensory abnormalities, both subjective (paraesthesia and dysaesthesia) and objective/patient reports, sensory testing

QoL/preoperative, discharge and 6 weeks postoperative/Aberdeen Varicose Vein Questionnaire 2No*NA7
  • *Study controlled for patients’ preoperative well-being.

  • CLI, critical limb ischaemia; GRE, graft-related event; NA, not available; QoL, quality of life; VascuQol, a validated instrument assessing pain, symptoms, activities, social life and emotional state in patients with vascular disease.