Table 3

Scale operational factors

InstrumentPurpose of instrumentCostDescriptionTime (min)CopyrightAdministrationTrainingStudy referenceOriginal scale reference
The Manchester Self-Harm RuleRisk-stratification model for use with ED staff in the assessment of self-harm to discriminate between patients and higher vs lower risk of repetition or subsequent suicide by 6 monthsFree4 screening items, dichotomous answers (history of self-harm, prior psychiatric treatment, benzodiazepine overdose, current psychiatric treatment) (1=present, 0=absent), positive answer is a positive result5NoPaper and penLimited training necessaryCooper et al27Cooper et al27
The ReACT Self-Harm RuleScreening tool to identify patients at higher risk of repeat self-harm suicide within 6 months of ED self-harm presentationFree4 items (recent self-harm (in the past year), Alone of homeless (living status), cutting used as a method of harm, and treatment for a current psychiatric disorder), presence of one or more of these items classifies patient as at higher risk of repeat self-harm/suicide within 6 months5NoPaper and penLimited training necessarySteeg et al36Steeg et al36
The RESH Self-Harm toolDesigned to assist clinicians in clinical management of self-harm patientsFree4 main items with an assigned weight: number of prior episodes (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or more), time between episodes (1–60 days, 61 days to 12 months, > 12 months), psychiatric diagnosis in the last 12 months (substance misuse disorder, depression, anxiety, eating disorder, personality disorder), and psychiatric stay in the last 12 months. The RESH scale was constructed using a weighted scoring algorithm based on the log ORs based on 0 to 20. It has five cut-off points ranging from low-risk to high-risk that can be applied to different interventionsUnknownNoPaper and PenUnknownSpittal et al14Spittal et al14
The Global Severity Index (GSI)The GSI symptom scale is a component of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Also a global indicator, the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) is ‘designed to help quantify a patients severity-of-illness and provides a single composite score for measuring the outcome of a treatment programme based on reducing symptom severity’ (Pearson Assessments)£118.32 per 50 answer sheets with test items, 50 profile forms and 2 worksheets (£935+vat for 500)53-item self-report on 5-point rating scale.
9 symptom dimensions (somatisation, Obsessive-compulsive, Interpersonal sensitivity, Depression, Anxiety, Hostility, Phobic Anxiety, Paranoid Ideation, Psychoticism)
Global Indices (Global severity index, Positive Symptom Distress Index, Positive Symptom total). Also a component of the 90-item SCL-90-R (12–15 min to complete)
8–10Pearson AssessmentsQ Local Software, Mail-in scoring service, Hand scoring, or optimal Scan ScoringB, Q1, Q2 levelRandall et al15Derogitis and Melisaratos 37
The SAD PERSONS scaleEducational tool for medical students to determine suicide riskFree10-item mnemonic consisting of risk factors based on literature review (male sex, age, depression, previous attempt, excess alcohol or substance abuse, rational thinking loss, social supports lacking, organised plan, no spouse, sickness). Items scored 1 if present, 0 if absent. Cut-off points: 3 categories of suicide risk, low, moderate, and high (0–4, 5–6 and 7–10, respectively)5–10NoPaper and penLimited training necessaryBolton et al34Patterson et al38
The Modified SAD PERSONSSuicide assessment in the ED10-item scale. Modified SAD PERSONS by adding five additional criteria (feelings of hopelessness, history of psychiatric care, drug addiction, a ‘serious’ attempt, and affirmative or ambivalent answers when questioned about future intent regarding suicide. Four scale items are weighted with scores of 2 to give a total possible score of 14. Cut-off points: low (0–5), moderate (6–8), and high (9–14)5–10NoPaper and penLimited training necessaryBolton et al34Hockberger and Rothstein39
The Barratt Impulsivity ScaleDesigned to assess the personality trait of impulsivenessFree30 items based on personality. Self-report. Responses scored on a 4-point likert scale. Responses summed to total score10NoPaper and penNoneRandall et al15Patton et al40
The Drug Abuse Screening TestDesigned to identify patients who are abusing drugs, also to provide a quantitative index score if the degree of problems related to drug use and misuseFree28-items self-report
Responses are dichotomous (1=yes, 0=no), except for items 4, 5, and 7 which are reverse coded. The scale is unidimensional with a total score calculated from summing all the items that are positive in relation to increased drug use. Cut-off scores of six to 11 are used for identifying patients with drug abuse/ misuse problems, whereas of 16 or above is considered as severe drug abuse or dependency
5NoPaper and PenAdherence to instructions for administration and scoring provided with the scaleRandall et al15Skinner41
The Suicide Assessment ScaleDesigned to be sensitivity to change in suicidality over time and in treatmentFree20 items, on a 0–4 likert scale summed to arrive at a maximum score of 80. Five main areas covered: (affect (5 items), bodily states (5 items), control and coping (5 items), emotional reactivity, suicidal thoughts and behaviour (5 items). Clinician and self-report versions available>30=high riskNoPaper and penInstructions availableWaern et al33Stanley et al42
Niméus et al43
Edinburgh Risk of Repetition ScaleDesigned to identify patients at risk of repeat self-harmFree11 items (previous self-harm, personality disorder, alcohol, previous psychiatric care, unemployment, social class, drug abuse, criminal record, violence, age (25–54), civil status (single, divorced, separated). Each positive item, scored as 1, total ranges from 0–11Men >8=high risk
Women >6=high risk
NoPaper and PenNoneCarter et al29Kreitman and Foster44
Söderjukhuset Self-Harm RuleDesigned to identify patients at risk of repeat self-harmFree4 items (gender, current psychiatric treatment, previous self-harm, antidepressant treatment)Regression model: risk above 0.14 predicted to be repeaterNoPaper and pen and calculatorNone, but familiarity with regression models and calculation necessaryBilén et al35Bilén et al35
  • ED, emergency department; RESH, Repeated Episodes of Self-Ham score.