Table 1

Baseline demographic characteristics and smoking history of study participants, by counselling group and counselling+varenicline group

Counselling (n=592)Counselling+varenicline (n=332)p Value
Age, mean (SD), years41.2±11.241.3±9.80.898
Gender, Number (%)
 Male568 (95.9)315 (94.9)0.506
 Female24 (4.1)17 (5.1)
Education, Number (%)
 High school and below263 (44.4)146 (44.0)0.945
 College and above329 (55.6)186 (56.0) 
Age began smoking, mean (SD)19.4±5.219.4±4.40.953
Number of years smoked, mean (SD)21.4±10.721.3±9.70.864
Number of cigarettes/day over past 1 month, mean (SD)**20.4±11.222.2±11.90.017
Fagerström score†, mean (SD)5.1±2.56.0±2.5<0.001
≥1 previous quit attempt, n (%)441 (74.5)269 (81.0)0.028
Age, mean (SD), years41.2±11.241.3±9.80.90
Gender, n (%)
 Male568 (95.9)315 (94.9)0.51
 Female24 (4.1)17 (5.1) 
Education, n (%)
 High school and below263 (44.4)146 (44.0)0.96
 College and above329 (55.6)186 (56.0) 
Age began smoking, mean (SD)19.4±5.219.4±4.40.95
No of years smoked, mean (SD)21.4±10.721.3±9.70.86
No of cigarettes/day over past 1 month, mean (SD)**20.4±11.222.2±11.9<0.05
Fagerström score†, mean (SD)*5.1±2.56.0±2.5<0.001
≥1 previous quit attempt, No (%)**441 (74.5)269 (81.0)<0.05
  • *p<0.001.

  • **p<0.05.

  • †Range, 0 to 10. Higher scores indicate greater dependence.