Table 1

Comparison of HIV-1 plasma VL levels measured by the HIV RT and HIV-1 RNA assays by ART status, HIV-1 subtypes and RT-drug resistant mutations

Sample typeNumber of samplesMean viral load±SD in log10copies/mLMean log10 viral load difference±SD in log10copies/mL
ExaVir Load V3Abbott m2000rt
All samples6293.98±1.34.19±1.30.22±0.3
ART Status
 Naïve (baseline at WK00)3275.07±0.65.33±0.50.25±0.3
 Experienced (WK04)3022.79±0.52.97±0.60.19±0.4
Subtype at WK00 (n=319)*
DRMs at WK00 (n=319)*
 Wild type (no DRM)3085.07±0.65.32±0.50.25±0.3
 NRTI mutations65.41±0.35.55±0.010.15±0.3
 NNRTI mutations55.26±0.25.62±0.20.36+0.2
  • *Genotyping performed only in baseline samples.

  • ART, antiretroviral therapy; DRM, drug-resistant mutations, NNRTI, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; NRTI, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; RT, reverse transcriptase; VL, viral load.