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  1. Antonia Johnston
  1. BMJ, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to Antonia Johnston; production.bmjopen{at}

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Hamilton I, Milner J, Chalabi Z, et al. Health effects of home energy efficiency interventions in England: a modelling study. BMJ Open 2015;5:e007298. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-007298

Some text was missed out of the Acknowledgements in the original paper. The full Acknowledgement statement should read:

Acknowledgements The following persons were involved in the initial 2009 ‘Health impact of energy efficiency’ DECC funded project—LSHTM: Hutchinson E; Sheffield Hallam University: Wilson I, Green G, Gilbertson J, Stafford B; Warwick University: Ormandy D; Ulster University: Liddell C, Morris C; UCL: Ian Ridley. Ian Ridley was also involved in the subsequent 2012 funded work, developing core parts of the pollutant module.

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