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Determinants of patient delay in doctor consultation in head and neck cancers (Protocol DEREDIA)
  1. Véronique Christophe1,2,3,
  2. Tanguy Leroy1,4,
  3. Mélanie Seillier1,5,
  4. Camille Duthilleul1,
  5. Morbize Julieron6,
  6. Stéphanie Clisant6,
  7. Jérôme Foncel7,
  8. Fanny Vallet1,
  9. Jean-Louis Lefebvre6
  1. 1Lille 3 University—URECA EA1059, Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex, France
  2. 2U1086 INSERM “Cancers & Préventions”, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, Avenue de la côte de Nacre, Caen Cedex 5, France
  3. 3SIRIC ONCOLille—Maison Régionale de la Recherche Clinique, Lille Cedex, France
  4. 4Aix-Marseille University—Public Health and Chronic Diseases, 3 SIRIC ONCOLille, EA 3279, Marseille cedex 05, France
  5. 5CERFEP, CARSAT Nord Pas de Calais Picardie, Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex, France
  6. 6Centre Oscar Lambret—Cervicofacial Oncology Department, Lille cedex, France
  7. 7Lille 3 University—EQUIPPE EA 4018, Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex, France
  1. Correspondence to Véronique Christophe; veronique.christophe{at}


Introduction Reducing the time between the onset of the first symptoms of cancer and the first consultation with a doctor (patient delay) is essential to improve the vital prognosis and quality of life of patients. Longer patient delay is linked to the already known sociodemographic, socioeconomic, socioeducational, sociocultural and socioprofessional factors. However, recent data suggest that some sociocognitive and emotional determinants may explain patient delay from a complementary point of view. The main objective of this study is to assess whether, in head and neck cancer, patient delay is linked to these sociocognitive and emotional factors, in addition to previously known factors.

Methods and analysis We intend to include in this study 400 patients with a not yet treated head and neck cancer diagnosed in one of six health centres in the North of France region. The main evaluation criterion is ‘patient delay’. Sociocognitive, emotional, medical, sociodemographic, socioeconomic, educational, professional and geographic factors will be assessed by means of (1) a case report form, (2) a questionnaire completed by the clinical research associate together with the patient, (3) a questionnaire completed by the patient and (4) a recorded semidirective interview of the patient by a psychologist (for 80 patients only). The collected data will be analysed to underline the differences between patients who consulted a doctor earlier versus those who consulted later.

Ethics The study has obtained all the relevant authorisations for the protection of patients enrolled in clinical trials (CCTIRS, CCP, CNIL), does not involve products mentioned in article L.5311-1 of the French Code of Public Health, and does not imply any changes in the medical care received by the patients. The study began in October 2012 and will end in June 2015.

Trial registration ID-RCB 2012-A00005-38.

  • Oncology
  • Consultation Delay
  • Perception of Symptoms
  • Social Inequalities
  • Psychosocial Determinants

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