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Panaretto KS, Gardner KL, Button S, et al. Prevention and management of chronic disease in Aboriginal and Islander Community Controlled Health Services in Queensland: a quality improvement study assessing change in selected clinical performance indicators over time in a cohort of services. BMJ Open 2013;3:e002083. An author, D Leon, was omitted from the paper in the original version. The order of authors was also incorrect. The correct list of authors is as follows:

K S Panaretto,1 K L Gardner,2 S Button,1 A Carson,3 D Leon,1 R Schibasaki,1 G Wason,4 D Baker,4 J Mein,5 A Dellit,1 M Wenitong,5 D Lewis,1 I Ring6

As a result of this addition, the contributor statement has been revised:

Contributors AC, KSP, DL and DL led the development of the QAIHC Health information infrastructure. KSP, SB, DL and AC conceived the idea of the study and was responsible for study design. The initial draft of the manuscript was prepared by KSP and then circulated repeatedly among all authors for critical revision. KSP, DL, AD were responsible for undertaking the data analysis and produced the tables and graphs. KLG contributed to the interpretation of the results and drafted sections of the manuscript. IR, DL and MW contributed to interpretation of results and provided comments on the manuscript. SB, AC, DL, RS, GW, DB, JM, DL and MW were responsible for implementing and maintaining the project and leading the acquisition of the data. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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