Reducing surgical site infections: a review

Rev Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Fall;2(4):212-21.


Infection at or near surgical incisions within 30 days of an operative procedure contributes substantially to surgical morbidity and mortality each year. The prevention of surgical site infections encompasses meticulous operative technique, timely administration of appropriate preoperative antibiotics, and a variety of preventive measures aimed at neutralizing the threat of bacterial, viral, and fungal contamination posed by operative staff, the operating room environment, and the patient's endogenous skin flora. It is the latter aspect of contamination, and specifically mechanical methods of prevention, on which this review focuses.

Keywords: Chlorhexidine; Isodine povacrylex; Isopropyl alcohol; Postsurgical infection; Povidone iodine; Surgery, patient skin preparation; Surgical site infections.