Table 4

Primary and secondary outcomes comparing suture to staples for skin closure after orthopaedic surgery

OutcomeSuturesStaplesRelative risk (95% CIp ValueI2 (%)χ2 (p Value)
Infection8–10 12 15–17 24–2917|56321|6921.06 (0.46 to 2.44)0.89180.27
Dehiscence8 10 12 16 26 28 296|30821|4410.96 (0.32 to 2.84)0.9400.50
Inflammation8 163|5922|720.22 (0.00 to 12.07)0.46840.01*
Discharge8 9 168|12317|1350.66 (0.14 to 3.23)0.61580.09
Necrosis15 161|923|970.51 (0.07 to 3.88)0.5200.43
Allergic reaction9 15 262|2261|2111.37 (0.22, 8.60)0.7400.59
Abscess10 292|1152|2441.86 (0.22 to 15.71)0.5700.37
 Mean difference (95% CI)
Closure time17 28 (min)Sutures vs staples5.84 (4.52 to 7.15)< 0.00100.55*
  • Primary and secondary outcomes comparing sutures to staples for skin closure after orthopaedic surgery. All outcomes (95% CI) are calculated using the Mental-Haeszel random-effects model. Heterogeneity is calculated using the I2 statistic. χ2 significance level dictates whether the heterogeneity between studies is significant (*p<0.05).