Table 2

Interventions against Staphylococcus aureus 1998–2010

DateInterventionExpected impact on
Haemodialysis and renal unit
 Feb 1996Renal dialysis patients screened for MRSA every 3 months and all MRSA-positive renal dialysis patients decontaminatedReduce
 Jun 2000Decontamination of all patients with Tessio lines (regardless of MRSA/MSSA status)ReduceReduce
 Aug 2005Routine decontamination for MRSA-positive renal dialysis patients stoppedIncrease
 Sep 2006Intensive audits assessing compliance with line insertion and after care in renal (and intensive care) unitsReduceReduce
 Jul 2007Waiting time for fistula formation for renal dialysis changed from a 6-month wait to a 4-week waitReduceReduce
Intensive care unit
 Feb 1996Intensive therapy unit patients screened for MRSA at admission (risk-based)Reduce
 Jun 2002Antimicrobial impregnated lines introducedReduceReduce
 Sep 2006Intensive audits assessing compliance with line insertion and after care in intensive care (and renal) unitReduceReduce
 Sep 2007Central line insertion pack and minimum standards implemented in intensive care and theatresReduceReduce
 Aug 2008Decontamination of all patients in intensive therapy unit (regardless of MRSA/MSSA status)ReduceReduce
 Mar 1997Risk-based MRSA screeningReduce
 Jun 2006Intensive hand-hygiene training and auditReduceReduce
 Nov 2006Intensive audit programme for line and urinary catheter insertion and aftercare and care bundle for ventilated patientsReduceReduce
 Nov 2006Root-cause analysis of all MRSA bacteraemiaReduce
 Sep 2007Clean your hands alcohol hand gel introductionReduceReduce
 Feb 2008Root cause analysis of all line related S aureus bacteraemiaReduceReduce
 Sep 2008Decontamination of all patients admitted to general medicine and gerontology (regardless of MRSA/MSSA status) using daily Triclosan wash for first 5 daysReduceReduce
 Mar 2009MRSA screening of elective admissions and decontamination of patients who are MRSA-positive with chlorhexidine wash and chlorhexidine/neomycin (Naseptin) nasal cream for 5 daysReduce
 Apr 200924 h decontamination for patients undergoing high-risk surgery (regardless of MRSA/MSSA status) with chlorhexidine wash and Naseptin nasal cream; chlorhexidine mouthwash added if admitted to intensive therapy unitReduceReduce
Department of health and other national targets, campaigns and reports
 Dec 2003Winning ways report (DH)
 Jul 2004Towards cleaner hospitals (DH)
 Sep 2004Clean your hands (NPSA)
 Nov 2004MRSA reduction target (DH)
 Jun 2005Saving Lives Programme (DH)
 Oct 2006Health Act 2006 (DH)
 Jun 2007Clean safe care: reducing MRSA and other healthcare-associated interventions (DH)
 Apr 2009National elective screening (DH)
National audit office reports
 Feb 2000NAO report
 Jul 2004NAO report
 Jun 2009NAO report
  • DH, Department of Health; MRSA, meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; MSSA, meticillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus; NAO, National Audit Office.