Table 2

Risk of bias of included randomised controlled trials*

Study: first author (year)Random sequence generationAllocation concealmentPatient blindingAssessor blindingReporting drop-out or withdrawalIntention-to-treat analysisSelective outcome reporting
Ni (2010)11LLHLLHU
Brismee (2007)12LHHLLHU
Wang (2009)13LLHLLLL
Lee (2009)14LLHLLLU
Song (2003)15LLHULHH
Song (2009)16LUHULHU
Fransen (2007)17LHHLLLL
Hartman (2000)18LUHULHH
Adler (2007)19LLHULLU
  • * Domains of quality assessment based on Cochrane tools for assessing risk of bias.

  • Two domains referring to ‘incomplete outcome data’ in the Cochrane tools for assessing risk of bias.

  • H, high risk of bias; L, low risk of bias; U, unclear (uncertain risk of bias).