Table 6

Percentage (number) of participants outside the appropriate secondary prevention risk marker guidelines at baseline and at 18 months and 6 years

Valid number at baseline/18 months/6 yearsBaseline18-Month follow-up6-Year follow-upOR (95% CI)*p Value
Systolic BP >140 mm Hg443/360/317456/405/32934.1 (151)33.8 (154)27.2 (98)32.8 (133)31.5 (100)24.3 (80)1.02 (0.73 to 1.43)0.90
Diastolic BP >90 mm  Hg443/360/319458/405/32913.3 (59)11.4 (52) 8.9 (32) 9.9 (40) 3.8 (12) 3.3 (11)0.94 (0.01 to 113.63)0.98
Total cholesterol>5.0 mmol/L424/342/273436/391/29421.7 (92)22.0 (96)15.2 (52)16.4 (64)13.9 (38)13.6 (40)0.82 (0.12 to 5.40)0.83
  • *OR of being outside risk marker guidelines for intervention relative to control at 6 years adjusting for baseline response, GP cluster, practice location, practice size, age, gender, years since diagnosis and conditions at baseline: angina, MI, CABG, PTCA and diabetes.

  • BP, blood pressure; GP, general practitioner.