Table 3

Barriers to accessing help (n=176)

Barriers to accessing helpPer cent
I didn't want to burden others66
I had distanced myself from everyone63
I just couldn't see the point in getting any help57
I tend to bottle up my feelings and it's hard for me to talk about it58
It was my responsibility to handle it45
Suicide was my go to plan and I wasn't going to let go of that45
I was worried that I might be hospitalised45
I had no one around me that I could talk to43
Society's view of men—this expectation that men are tough and should be able to deal with their own issues36
The service (eg, doctor, psychologist, counsellor) I tried wasn’t helpful35
At the time I couldn't see how bad things really were33
I wanted someone to help but I wouldn't ask for it32
I didn't want to accept help—that's not me28
I didn't know where to go for help17
Nothing—I was able to seek help8