Table 2

Hb concentration, anaemia prevalence and physical development of sample infants in rural Shaanxi Province (n=1808)

Mean/per centCI (95%)
Hb concentration, g/L109.1±12.7(108.5 to 109.7)
Anaemia status
 Total per cent anaemic (Hb<110 g/L)48.8 (882)(46.5 to 51.1)
 Severe anaemia (Hb<70 g/L)0.7 (12)(0.3 to 1.0)
 Moderate anaemia (70 g/L≤Hb<100 g/L)19.4 (351)(17.6 to 21.2)
 Mild anaemia (100 g/L≤Hb<110 g/L)28.7 (519)(26.6 to 30.8)
Stunting (LAZ<−2)3.7 (68)(2.9 to 4.6)
Underweight (WAZ<−2)1.2 (22)(0.7 to 1.7)
Wasting (WLZ<−2)1.6 (30)(1.1 to 2.2)
  • Data are presented as mean±SD or % (n) for categorical variables.

  • Hb, haemoglobin; LAZ, length-for-age; WAZ, weight-for-age; WLZ, eight-for-length z-scores.