Table 1

Overview of stakeholder groups’ activities per research phase

Stakeholder groupPhase I activitiesPhase II activitiesPhase III activities
SUPERs: established migrant service-usersDeveloped trust and relationships with research team
Generated perspectives on literature and policy
Mapped commonly used strategies
Trained as peer researchers
Facilitated fieldwork with wider group of hard-to-reach migrants to review phase I mapping to explore additional strategies, uses, problems and acceptability
Dialogue and analysis with representatives of other stakeholder groups about phase II data to identify best practice strategies for guideline
Wider group of ‘hard-to-reach’ migrant services users with limited English and limited experience of accessing and using GP servicesWorked with SUPERS to review phase I mapping to explore additional strategies, uses, problems and acceptabilityReviewed draft recommendations for best practice strategies for guideline from completed interstakeholder dialogue
General practice staff
Formal trained interpreters
Service planners
Generated perspectives on literature and policyReviewed phase I mapping to explore additional strategies, uses, problems and acceptabilityDialogue and analysis with representatives of other stakeholder groups about phase II data to identify best practice strategies for guideline
  • SUPERs, Service-User Peer Researchers.