Table 2

Risk of health services use (claim or admission) by AQHI and pollutants on day 0 of exposure; each pollutant is adjusted for the other two pollutants

Disease categories (In alphabetical order)Outpatient visitsED visitsHospitalisations
Rate ratio*L95%U95%p ValueRate ratio*L95%U95%p ValueRate ratio*L95%U95%p Value
Acute myocardial infarction
Non-lung cancers
Congestive heart failure
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Ischaemic heart disease
Lung cancer
  • *The Risk Ratios were obtained from Poisson Regressions and these correspond to increase/decrease in risk of the respective health services use per unit increase in AQHI or per 10-unit increase in the air pollutants. All Risk Ratios were adjusted for age groups, sex, seasons, temperature, day of week, years, Local Health Integration Network and income quintiles.

  • L95%, lower bound of 95% CI; U95%, upper bound of 95% CI.

  • AQHI, Air Quality Health Index; ED, emergency department; NO2 nitrogen dioxide; PM2.5 fine particulate matter; O3, ozone.