Table 3

Patient exercise training participation

After year 1
N (%)
After year 5
N (%)
Completers36 (78%)20 (43%)
Group HA (80–100% training participation)19 (41%)15 (33%)
Mean training participation+SE (%)87±595±6
Group MA* (60–80% training participation)12 (26%)2 (4%)
Mean training participation+SE (%)71±669±3
Group LA† (<60% training participation)5 (11%)3 (7%)
Mean training participation+SE (%)39±1410±13
Dropouts10 (22%)26 (57%)
Renal transplantation5 (11%)
Death (unrelated to study)5 (11%)13 (28%)
Other‡5 (11%)8 (17%)
Total46 (100%)46 (100%)
  • ‘Completers’ still participated in the training programme after 1/5 years. Training participation is given over a full period of 12 months in years 1 and 5, respectively. Groups HA and MA are used for quantitative evaluation after the first year, and training evolution was monitored in all groups: Out of the N=15 patients of group HA in year 5, 5 (2) patients belonged to group MA (LA) in year 1. From the two patients in group MA in year 5, 1 patient belonged to group LA in year 1. From the three patients in group LA (year 5), 1 (2) patient(s) belonged to group HA (MA) in year 1.

  • *Forced breaks of participation due to different medical problems.

  • †Reduced participation due to long hospitalisation (3 patients), long vacation (1) and lack of motivation (1).

  • ‡Orthopaedic/arthritic (4), psychological problems (1), move to another city(1), lack of motivation (2).

  • HA, high adherence; LA, low adherence; MA moderate adherence.