TableĀ 1

Data extraction form

Study characteristicsExtracted data
General informationFirst author last name
Publication year
Country of study/continent/multinational
Publication type: journal, abstract, dissertation, unpublished trial, report
IntroductionAims of the study
Study research question
Study population: number of subjects using NIV, mean age, age range, gender, primary underlying condition, comorbidities
DesignStudy design:
  • Quantitative: randomised controlled trial, non-randomised controlled trial, controlled before-after studies, observational, cross-sectional

  • Qualitative: case series, ethnography, grounded theory, phenomenology, other, mixed methods

Sample size
Intervention type, NIV term used, interface type, duration of intervention, cointerventions
Statistical analysis methods used
Control group: number of control subjects, y/n, intervention in control group
Outcomes measures (whether self-reported or objective tools)*Primary outcomes
Secondary outcomes
Adverse outcomes
Duration of the follow-up
Authors conclusionsPositive, negative, neutral, indeterminate
Gaps and limitations identified by authors
  • *Units of measurements will be reported.

  • NIV, non-invasive ventilation.