Table 1

Schedule of assessment measures

First week of radiotherapyLast week of radiotherapyFour weeks afterTwelve weeks after
Primary outcome
 Nutritional status assessment: PG-SGA
Secondary outcomes
 Depression: PHQ-9
 Quality of life: EORTC
 Quality adjusted life years: EORTC
 Therapeutic alliance: dietitian
ARM-5 (clinician)
 Therapeutic alliance: client
ARM-5 (client)
 Nicotine dependence: FTND
 Alcohol dependence: AUDIT
 Alcohol use: AUDIT-consumption
 Smoking: biochemical validation
expired carbon monoxide
 Dysphagia: Australian standard of food texture
 Chart audit
  • ARM-5, Agnew Relationship Measure—Five Item Version; AUDIT, The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test; EORTC, European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer; FTND, The Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence; PG-SGA, Patient Generated Subjective Global Assessment; PHQ-9, The Patient Health Questionnaire 9.