Table 5

Associations between traumatic episodes experienced during genocide period and mental conditions in men, presented as crude and age-adjusted relative risk (RR) with their 95% CIs

VariablesMajor depressive episode currentMajor depressive episode pastSuicidalityGeneralised anxiety disorder
Men (N=440)n (%)Crude RRAdjusted RR*n (%)Crude RRAdjusted RR*n (%)Crude RRAdjusted RR*n (%)Crude RRAdjusted RR*
Traumatic episodes genocide period
 0 episode25 (9.1)1113 (4.7)1119 (7.0)1177 (28.1)11
 >1 episodes28 (17.0)1.86 (1.13 to 2.93)1.80 (1.08 to 2.86)24 (14.6)3.09 (1.65 to 5.44)3.02 (1.59 to 5.37)23 (13.9)2.01 (1.13 to 3.38)2.15 (1.21 to 3.64)70 (42.4)1.51 (1.17 to 1.87)1.51 (1.16 to 1.87)
Assets in the household
 At least one of the items31 (9.6)1121 (6.5)1132 (9.6)1198 (30.4)11
 None of the items22 (18.8)1.95 (1.18 to 3.07)1.92 (1.15 to 3.04)16 (13.7)2.09 (1.13 to 3.67)2.04 (1.08 to 3.63)16 (13.7)1.67 (0.94 to 2.82)1.77 (0.99 to 3.00)49 (41.9)1.38 (1.04 to 1.37)1.37 (1.03 to 1.73)
  • *Adjusted for age and few assets in the household.