TableĀ 1

Evidence and reporting of allegiance in 146 eligible meta-analyses

Database of published m-aTotal number of m-aEvidence of allegiance in m-aNumber of m-a with at least one allegiant study conducted by m-a authorsEvidence of at least one allegiant study in included RCTs in m-aReporting allegiance of m-a in textReporting allegiance in COI
Reporting allegiance both in main text and in COI sectionGeneral reporting of allegiance in m-aDeclaration of interest statementReporting of funding sources
PubMed and PsycINFO specialty journals6828266890093433
PubMed and PsycINFO General medical journals18871820021315
  • CDSR, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; COI, conflicts of interest; m-a, meta-analyses; RCT, randomised controlled trial.