Table 11

Contributions of individual pre-treatment and post-treatment variables to the model created to predict outcomes for the model for predicting outcomes within Outcome Group 1

Tests of equality of group means
Order of importanceVariablesWilks’ λSignificance
1PHQ9 1st score0.842<0.001
2GAD7 1st score0.865<0.001
3No. DNA sessions0.974<0.001
4No. attended sessions0.981<0.001
7Length of treatment in days0.9980.041
8Cognitive–behavioural therapy0.9980.037
9Understand written English?0.9980.057
10Guided self help0.9990.077
  • GAD7, Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7; IMD, Index of Multiple Deprivation; PHQ9, Patient Health Questionnaire-9.