Table 1

Demographic data and HIV drug resistance among 108 HIV-1-infected treatment naïve VCT clients

ParametersPatient numbers (%)
 Male108 (100%)
 20–2954 (50%)
 30–3944 (40.7%)
 40–498 (7.4%)
 >502 (1.9%)
Risk factor
 Heterosexual13 (12%)
 MSM95 (88%)
V3 co-receptor
 CXCR428 (25.9%)
 CCR580 (74.1%)
HIV subtype (n=102)
 B101 (99%)
 C1 (1%)
Hepatitis A antibody (n=97)
 Positive9 (9.3%)
HBs Ag (n=107)
 Positive14 (13.1%)
Antihepatitis B surface antibody (n=99)
 Positive54 (54.5%)
Antihepatitis B core antibody (n=99)
 Positive39 (39.4%)
Hepatitis C antibody (n=106)
 Positive5 (4.7%)
GOT (range 0–35 U/L)
 Median (IQR)22 (19–27)
GPT (range 0–40 U/L)
 Median (IQR)25 (16–35)
Cortisol (µg/dL) (normal range 3.1–22.4 µg/dL)
 Median (IQR)13.3 (9.8–15.7)
FreeT4 (ng/dL) (normal range 0.8–1.9 µg/dL)
 Median (IQR)1.23 (1.08–1.31)
Syphilis serology
 Positive48 (44.4%)
IHA-Amoebiasis ≥32 (n=100)
 Positive8 (8.0%)
CMV-IgG (n=66)
 Positive64 (97.0%)
Toxoplasma-IgG (n=99)
 Positive4 (4.5%)
HIV viral load (log) (IU/mL)
 Median (IQR)4.6 (4.0–5.0)
CD4 count (cells/µL)
 Median (IQR)342 (209–454)
HIV drug-resistance associated mutation
 Resistance10 (9.3%)
  • CMV, cytomegalovirus; GOT, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase; GPT, glutamic pyruvic transaminase; HBs Ag, hepatitis B surface antigen; IHA, indirect haemagglutination; MSM, men who have sex with men.