Table 3

South African smoking prevalence in 2003 by sex and ethnic group (83 persons missing ethnicity)

Dose/ageTotal (n=8090)Asian (n=719)Black (n=6024)Coloured (n=959)White (n=305)
Ex-smoker*Current smoker†Ex-smoker*Current smoker†Ex-smoker*Current smoker†Ex-smoker*Current smoker†Ex-smoker*Current smoker†
 Mean cigarettes/day8.
 Mean age to start smoking18.216.918.817.117.4
 Mean cigarettes/day6.
 Mean age to start smoking18.618.120.317.817.7
  • *Restricted to individuals who stopped smoking for at least 5 years.

  • †Includes individuals who stopped smoking for less than 5 years.

  • ‡Age-adjusted to world standard.