Table 1

Summary characteristics of participants in the 24 APCSC studies

nBaseline year (19’) (range)Median follow-up (years)Female (%)Mean age (years) (SD)Total deathsTotal CVD eventsTotal cancer deaths
Australasia86 83578–998.14554 (14)533423232254
 ALSA56792–934.73578 (6)1677222
 ANHF927789–908.35143 (13)374115154
 Canberra83490–919.74577 (5)552211100
 Fletcher Challenge10 29892–945.82844 (15)372465135
 Melbourne41 28690–948.55955 (9)20815511112
 Newcastle593383–948.95052 (10)516204215
 Perth644478–9414.45145 (13)299103117
 WA AAA Screenees12 19696–993.2072 (4)973602399
Asia216 20177–977.12744 (10)573121062059
 Akabane (Japan)180685–8611.05554 (8)1337755
 Anzhen (China)8378914.35554 (13)32227366
 Anzhen 02 (China)41529235147 (8)19170
 Beijing Aging (China)2092924.85170 (9)42820448
 CISCH (China)216792–933.35144 (7)7233
 CVDFACTS (Taiwan)572988–966.05547 (15)2286065
 East Beijing (China)110277–9417.15144 (15)1096019
 EGAT (Thailand)34998511.42343 (5)1655143
 Fangshan (China)260291–923.66647 (10)48518
 Guangzhou Occupational (China)166 28285–977.12241 (6)23985681197
 Hong Kong (Hong Kong)297385–912.55779 (7)652202127
 Kinmen (China)278393–962.94863 (10)20711854
 Miyama (Japan)105588–906.65661 (10)882236
 Singapore NHS92 (Singapore)3305926.25239 (12)717822
 Xi'an (China)16957619.73444 (6)2258077
 Yunnan (China)6581924.5356 (9)631222239
Overall303 03677–997.33247 (12)11 06544294313
  • Bold typeface indicates the overall baseline characteristics for the two regions, and for the two regions combined. ALSA, Australian Longitudinal Study of Aging; ANHF, Australian National Heart Foundation; APCSC, Asia- Pacific Cohort Studies Collaboration; CISCH, Capital Iron and Steel Company Hospital; CVD, cardiovascular disease (comprise of fatal and non-fatal events); CVDFACTS, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Two-Township Study; EGAT, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand Study; NHS92, National Health Study 1992; WA AAA Screenees, Western Australian Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screenees.