Table 1

Baseline characteristics of all emergency admissions with ACP

All emergency admissions with ACPACSNon-ACSp Value
N12114 (11.6%)107 (88.4%)
Gender (male)73 (60.3%)10 (71.4%)63 (58.87%)0.56
Age [years]47 [34–66.5]61.0 [54.5–66.3]45.0 [34.0–68]0.011
BMI (kg/m2)27.0 [24.4–29.7]27.0 [25.7–30.0]27.0 [23.9–29.6]0.268
Systolic blood pressure [mm Hg]132.5 [122.0–143.50]144.5 [133.0–154.8]130.5 [121.0–141.0]0.014
Diastolic blood pressure [mm Hg]81 [76.0–90]90 [80.0–100.0]80 [75.0–89.3]0.031
Heart rate (*/min)75 [66.0–88.0]76 [63.8–85.0]75 [66–88]0.784
VAS (0–10)5.0 [4.0–7.0]5 [2.0–7.3]5 [4–7]1.0
Previous medication:
 Antihypertensive medication36 (29.8%)6 (42.9%)28 (28.0%)0.35
 Analgesic medication25 (20.7%)3 (21.4%)22 (20.6%)1.00
 Anticoagulants31 (25.6%)6 (42.9%)25 (23.4%)0.19
Alcohol abuse33 (27.5%)8 (57.1%)25 (23.4%)0.021
Illicit drug abuse8 (6.6%)08 (7.5%)0.59
Smoker43 (35.5%)5 (35.7%)38 (35.5%)1.0
Cigarettes consumption [PY]7.21 (±14.9)10.0 (±16.1)6.9 (±14.8)0.67
Hypertension47 (38.8%)11 (78.6%)36 (33.6%)0.002
Known CAD18 (14.9%)2 (14.3%)16 (15.0%)1.0
Dyslipidaemia33 (27.3%)8 (57.1%)25 (23.4%)0.021
Family history positive for CAD37 (30.6%)7 (50.0%)30 (28.0%)0.123
Diabetes mellitus6 (5.0%)06 (5.6%)1.0
  • Bold typeface indicates significant results.

  • (±), SD; [], IQR; ACP, acute chest pain; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; BMI, body mass index; CAD, coronary artery disease; PY, pack years; VAS, visual analogue scale.