Table 2

Variables requested regarding cohort demographics

Scrambled patient IDA unique sequence number enabling person-level analysis and linkage to PBS data set
Month and year of birthTo report demographics of cohort and used to stratify analyses according to age group
SexTo report demographics of cohort and used to stratify analyses
Month and year of death (mm/yy)Date of death, in order to censor the follow-up time for each individual in the cohort
Postcode of residence mapped to Statistical Local AreaUsed to identify location of residence and map to indices of socioeconomic disadvantage (ie, the Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA)*) and remoteness (ie, the Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA)†)
Geographic location of residence according to the SA2Used to identify geographic location of residence to map prescription rates and to evaluate prescription rates according to key demographic characteristics
  • *Is a product developed by the ABS that ranks areas in Australia according to relative socioeconomic advantage and disadvantage. The indexes are based on information from the 5-yearly census. Details can be found at:

  • †The ABS’ Remoteness Areas classification. These are ‘Major Cities’, ‘Inner Regional’, ‘Outer Regional’, ‘Remote’ and ‘Very Remote’. Details have been reported in ref. 54 ,55.

  • ABS, Australian Bureau of Statistics; ARIA, Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia; PBS, Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme; SA2, Statistical Area Level 2.